In today’s episode, Greg and Eric field listener questions about insulin, maintenance phases, controversial fitness opinions, maintaining muscle while cutting, the effects of NSAIDs on training adaptations, deltoid training, ashwagandha supplementation, content creation, social media, and the best gauge of overall strength.
In today’s episode, Greg and Eric field listener questions about insulin, maintenance phases, controversial fitness opinions, maintaining muscle while cutting, the effects of NSAIDs on training adaptations, deltoid training, ashwagandha supplementation, content creation, social media, and the best gauge of overall strength.
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MASS Research Review
Intro/Announcements (0:00)
Can medical insulin (i.e., to treat diabetes) boost strength and/or hypertrophy? (6:35)
Is it important to do a maintenance phase after bulking or cutting? (20:12)
What are your most controversial fitness opinions that would rile up the evidence-based fitness community? (22:58)
How important is it to maintain most of your muscle on a cut? (50:58)
How do NSAIDs impact training adaptations? (55:13)
Are lateral raises enough to grow the medial portion of the deltoids, or do you need to do some kind of shoulder press or upright row variation? (1:02:54)
Ashwagandha for strength and hypertrophy - yea or nay? (1:09:02)
Do you ever look back on old content of yours and cringe? If so, does it make you question whether you'll look back on your current content and cringe in the future? (1:15:26)
How do you go about managing your time on social media? (1:36:38)
Is bench press the best gauge of raw physical strength? If not, what is? (1:51:46)