Fireside chats are a collection of conversational, off-topic episodes hosted by Greg Nuckols. In Fireside Chat #9, Greg sits down with Eric Trexler to discuss observations and lessons learned from 2020, along with new goals for 2021. They try their hardest to keep it light and fun, but ultimately fail.
Fireside chats are a collection of conversational, off-topic episodes hosted by Greg Nuckols. In Fireside Chat #9, Greg sits down with Eric Trexler to discuss observations and lessons learned from 2020, along with new goals for 2021. They try their hardest to keep it light and fun, but ultimately fail.
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Eric’s observations and lessons learned (0:03:25).
Greg’s observations and lessons learned (0:24:10).
The good vibes sour (0:29:52).
Eric’s goals for 2021 (0:54:58).
Greg’s goals for 2021 (1:05:59).
Parting words of wisdom (1:11:29).