Fireside chats are a collection of conversational, off-topic episodes hosted by Greg Nuckols. In Fireside Chat #7, Greg sits down with Eric Trexler to discuss the open science movement and their biggest gym fails. If you’d like to ask questions or recommend topics for a future Fireside Chat, you can submit them at
Fireside chats are a collection of conversational, off-topic episodes hosted by Greg Nuckols. In Fireside Chat #7, Greg sits down with Eric Trexler to discuss the open science movement and their biggest gym fails.
If you’d like to ask questions or recommend topics for a future Fireside Chat, you can submit them at
Quick “good news segment” update (0:00:19).
What’s your take on the “open science” movement? (0:01:49).
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What are your most hilarious gym fails? (0:59:32).