Fireside chats are a collection of conversational, off-topic episodes hosted by Greg Nuckols. In Fireside Chat #6, Greg sits down with Eric Trexler to discuss common research things that bother them, other careers they’ve considered (or are considering), their social media habits, how to develop self-love and positivity, and some of the most unbelievable outliers they’ve seen in the gym.
Fireside chats are a collection of conversational, off-topic episodes hosted by Greg Nuckols. In Fireside Chat #6, Greg sits down with Eric Trexler to discuss common research things that bother them, other careers they’ve considered (or are considering), their social media habits, how to develop self-love and positivity, and some of the most unbelievable outliers they’ve seen in the gym.
If you’d like to ask questions or recommend topics for a future Fireside Chat, you can submit them at
What bothers you the most when you come across it in a study? (0:00:55).
What other careers have you considered? Are there any other careers that you’d like to pursue in the future? (0:24:06).
Are you mindful about what you share on social media? What’s your thought process behind what you post? (0:35:25).
How does one develop self-love, self-confidence, and a positive outlook on life? (0:46:59).
What are some of the most unbelievable “outlier things” you’ve seen in the gym? (1:02:18).